Well, it’s been a long short week. I spent the evening of my birthday sick with a bug and the next day out of work on the couch. The crew is doing well though! Huckleberry went off on a couple of wild tangents throughout the house and sparked Oscar’s curiosity. Instead of shying away from Oscar, Huck flew head first right by him in a mad dash across the kitchen and Oscar didn’t get grouchy. Things are looking up! A little while back, somepawdy posted a video of a cat toy that the cat was totally intrigued with. I looked it up on Amazon and it was very reasonable, like 13.00 so I said what the heck, let’s give it a whirl. It came in today:
Brotherly love right away, got a grin from ear to ear… Happy Weekend Everybody!!
Jackie, Huckleberry, and our wild crew ❤❤❤
I looopoved watching that video!!! 🙂 🙂 Those two are soooo cute playing together! It certainly has their undivided attention!
I have a feeling they are gonna figure out how to get that annoying ball out of there! 🙂
Sorry to hear you were feeling rotten. I hope you just laid low and took care of yourself.
And a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (Shhh…..I’m a January “baby” too!) I know you have touched so many lives in so many ways, but especially the lives of ALL the furry friends you jave shown love and care. Had you not been born, they never would have known that! And what you have done with Huckleberry coukd NOT have been accomplished by anyone else!
Lots of love
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Thank you! I laughed at myself when I started posting pictures because I really didn’t realize how many I had taken and had to choose from lol 🤣 Still amazes me how far we have come. That is very sweet of you to say but I feel likeI am the the lucky one to have been blessed by all my little angels here and over the bridge. Big hugs back ❤️
Well hoppy belated birthday! I’m sorry you spent it sick but hope that you’re feeling good enough to pawty now.
That’s a great toy! What’s it called? Glad the kids are having fun and things are looking up.
It’s called The Amazing Cat Roller Toy by Easyology https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072M7R5MM/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_8GuzAbVR5DYBT
Feeling better thank goodness, thank you for asking.
Made me smile to see them play together, just like 2 little boys that found something cool together.